As I said today was our first snow day.... Ever since Ethan woke up this morning he's been looking out the windows saying "Snowman!" He was also trying to get me to get his shoes and jacket on him (and this was just out of bed in his pajamas)... Well, he finally got to go out in it today... after the last of our kidos left. He had a blast as you can see! He didn't have proper gloves so when his make-shift sock glove got to heavy for his little hand to hold onto, I had the hardest time getting my little snow angel inside.... he was pretty upset about it.
p.s. I have no idea where he learned to make snow angels.... he just plopped down and started at it.
Hey, what a cute face mask to keep him warm.
Hey probably saw snow angels being made on a tape you have. What fun!!!
Snow angels from the little "angel" in your life!
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